I/We certify that my/our child satisfies the eligibility requirements for admission as stated in the application document of K John Public School, Nagpur. I/We certify that I/we have furnished correct information and also undertake to inform the School immediately, in writing, of any subsequent changes. I/We agree that my/our child and I/we will abide by the rules and regulations of the School. I/We understand that the standard terms and conditions of the School will undergo revisions from time to time and will apply in all our dealings with the School. I/We agree to meet all financial responsibilities with respect to admission and education of my/our child to the School. I/We understand that any false / incorrect / incomplete information given by me/us may render this application invalid and, consequently, the admission granted based on it may be cancelled / withdrawn by the School. I/We also understand that submission of registration form does not guarantee admission. I/we understand that the data asked for vide this Google Form covers only the basic details to enable the School to process the admission request digitally and I/we undertake to fill out and submit the complete/standard 'Application for Admission' to the School Physically.
I Agree